Leelou Blogs

Monday, November 23, 2009

Emma's parent observation day

Here is Emma during her parent observation day.

Reading time

Shelby loves to be read to. She looks at the pictures on the books, she looks at the person reading the book and then back at the book. Emma has been reading to her since she came home from the hospital.

Tummy Time

So here is Shelby. Her new thing is to stick her tongue out at anyone who talks to her. She thinks it's funny. And when you stick yours back, she does exactly what you do.

Jason's Parent observation day

Jason is in the intermediate boys class at gymnastics. He loves this sport.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

Emma's Fall Picnic

This is Emma's first grade class.

This is Emma and Brittney at their Fall Picnic at school. Brittney os Emma's best friend, they have known eachother since Pre-K and have been in the same class since then also. I hope thy get to stay together longer also. They were doing the "mummy race" halloween talk for three legged race.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Here is the front of Molly's baby quilt. I can't believe I actually did it. I LOVE it. It took me about a week and a half to finish it. All I have to do now is put the backing on, and it is finished! There is other fabric at the bottom of the quilt. The branch and the bellies of the owls are fuzzy.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Our three kids

Shelby follows in the crowd... She also loves TV. I thought this was cute of them sitting there watching TV.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Here we are after the carving.

Annual pumpkin carving

Here is our annual pumpkin carving party. We were happy to have katie and Galina all the way from Hawaii come and visit, so we moved our pumpkin carving up a couple of weeks to have them. And to also include Molly before she left for Washington.

Annual pumpkin carving

Here is our annual pumpkin carving party. We were happy to have katie and Galina all the way from Hawaii come and visit, so we moved our pumpkin carving up a couple of weeks to have them. And to also include Molly before she left for Washington.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Random pictures

Best friends

Here are the two best friends. When we come home from school, Rollie waits for him to finish his homework and as soon as he gets done, she starts hopping around until he goes outside with her. So this is a game they play. Jason puts the ball on the top of the fence and she jumps/climbs up to get it off.


She finally lost the tooth. The dentist had to pull it out.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Shelby talking

Shelby loves to lay under her play thing. She loves the monkey that hangs there. She is always talking to it. She also takes her right foot and kicks the rattle elephant. As soon as you put her down, she looks for the rattle to kick. She has good control of her feet, and has noticed them, her hands on the other hand.... she does not notice them as much as her feet.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

First day of school

Here is Jason on his first day. He is in the third grade. His teacher is Mrs. Thigpen, she is a really nice and good teacher. A lot of his friends are also in his class, but when you only have 60 kids in the whole third grade, you pretty much know everyone.

First day of school

Here is Emma on the first day of school, today August 25, 2009. She has a good teacher, Mrs. Ludlum. Most of her friends are in her class. She is going to have a good year.

Friday, August 21, 2009


Here is a picture lil Jason took of Emma, pretty good, I think.

I am finally here!

Well, I finally did it. I created a blog. I thought that it was about time. I will have some pictures up soon.

Growth charts

Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers Lilypie Kids Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Lilypie Second Birthday tickers